We are Asteroid Base Inc., the owner and developer of Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime game software. We understand that your privacy is important, and we are committed to being open with you about the information that we collect, and how and why we use it.


By using our software, you consent to the collection, use, storage and disclosure of this information as described in this Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns related to this Privacy Policy or your Personal Information, please contact our Privacy Officer at privacy@asteroidbase.com. We welcome suggestions as to how we could improve our privacy policy and practices – we may not be able to implement every suggestion, but we care about your privacy and we are listening.


“Asteroid Base” means Asteroid Base Inc. an Ontario Corporation and its subsidiary, affiliated and successor companies.


The “Sofware” means the Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime Game Sofware accessible via different digital distributions services and any associated or co-branded features, services or websites provided to you by Asteroid Base.


The “Policy”, or the “Privacy Policy” means this privacy policy, including amendments, modifications, and additions.



The Software may, from time to time, provide you with the ability to post or submit information which, by its very nature, intended to be shared with others. This category of information includes your publicly visible user profile information (if any), your user name, content and links that you may choose to submit for public display on the Software, or comments you may choose to post on the Software. ‘


This category also includes any personally identifying information that you choose to post in publicly accessible areas of the Software, or in your user profile. We call this type of information “Shared Information,” and you irrevocably consent to this information being stored and made available to anyone, including in publicly accessible areas of the Software.


Other information, such as details of your gaming patterns with the website, information about your computer, monitor resolution, and operating system, a history of links that you have clicked on, coarse geographic and location data (eg: what town or city you are connecting from), your responses to survey questions, or any other data that may be transmitted in accordance to the terms of distribution of the marketplace and use to determine your interests and customize your Software experience might be information that you would prefer not to have made public in a way that ties that information to you personally. We recognize that disclosure of such information might compromise your privacy if it was accompanied by Personally Identifying Information, thereby allowing someone to associate this information with you.


However, if such information were disclosed without being linked to any accompanying Personally Identifying Information, it would not directly reveal anything about you personally – it would just be information about some unidentified person. We call this type of information “Demographic Information,” and we may share this type of information with third parties, but never linked to Personally Identifying Information (except where we may be required or compelled to do so, for example in response to a court order.)



Collection and use of each of these categories of information is crucial to our business and operations, and to our ability to provide services to you. We collect and use this information in order to establish, maintain and manage our relationship with you, to communicate with you, to comply with your requests, to personalize your user experience with the Sofware, to provide you with services tailored to your interests, to conduct research and provide reporting for internal use, and to provide services to you though various digital marketplaces. We may be required to use the information we collect to enforce our legal rights, to comply with legal requirements, or to defend against claims or other legal action. Collection of this information also allows us to assess and improve the services which we provide, and to analyze user habits and market trends.



For the purposes of this Policy, “Personal Information” means:


  1. Personally Identifying Information (not including identifying information that you choose to post in publicly accessible areas of the Website or in your user profile); and
  2. Sets or collections of Demographic Information (and/or other information which does not itself identify you personally), associated with Personally Identifying Information in such a way that the individual to whom the information relates could be identified.


“Personal Information” does not include anonymized Demographic Information, or any other information not associated with Personally Identifying Information.


Your Personal Information will not be collected, stored in normal operation of the software.



While using the Software, your computer may connect to third-party servers which are not under our control. This may happen, for example, when content hosted on a third-party server is transmitted through a digital marketplace, or if you leave the Software to view linked content. These third parties may collect information about you. We have no control over how they collect, use, or disclose that information.


Their collection of your Personal Information may be governed by their own terms and conditions and privacy policies. You should review the privacy policies of these third party websites before providing them with personal information.

In making the Software available to you, we may use third party service providers – each of these providers may have additional terms of use or privacy policies that may apply to you and/or to your information. By using our Website, you agree to these third party terms. Third party service providers we may use include (without limitation): Humble, Xbox Games Store, Steam.



We have appointed a Privacy Officer to oversee compliance with this Privacy Policy. The contact information for our Privacy Officer is as follows:

Privacy Officer
Asteroid Base Inc.
84 Walpole Ave.
Toronto, ON
M4L 2J1


Inquiries related to this Policy or concerns relating to the content, collection, disclosure, accuracy, use or retention of information relating to you should be directed to the Privacy Officer. In the event that you would like to withdraw your consent to this Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy Officer.


Our Privacy Officer also welcomes comments and suggestions for improvement to this Privacy Policy and to our privacy practices. We may not be able to implement every suggestion, but we are interested and listening.



We may amend this Policy from time to time by posting an amended version of this Policy on our website at http://www.asteroidbase.com/privacy. Any amendments will be effective from the date on which they are posted.


This Policy has a limited scope and application, as set out herein and in applicable legislation. This Policy does not create or confer upon any individual any rights, or impose upon us any obligations beyond, or in addition to, those rights or obligations imposed by applicable privacy laws in effect in the Province of Ontario. If in a specific case there is any inconsistency between this Privacy Policy and applicable privacy laws, this Privacy Policy shall be interpreted in that case so as to give effect to and comply with such privacy laws, if possible. Any disputes arising in connection with this Policy or in connection with our use, collection or disclosure of any Personal Information shall be governed by the laws of Ontario (and the laws of Canada applicable therein). Any such disputes shall be heard at the courts in Toronto, Ontario.